Does Mirpur Online provide router with their connection?

No, we do not provide a router automatically with a new connection that you purchase. But we have a lot of router brands available from which you can choose the one you like and we will install it for you.

Configuration and setup charges for the router will be Taka 500.

What if i want to upgrade/downgrade my package?

If you want to upgrade/downgrade to a new package please e-mail us at with your Mirpur Online User ID, your current package and the package you want to migrate to and our support team will get in touch with you regarding this as soon as possible.

I want to suspend my line for a few months and then reconnect back to it again. Is it possible?

No, we do not have any option for temporary disconnection. If you have not paid your bill, your line will be disconnected and you will have to contact our support team at our hotline 09639006425

Why I can't use Proper Bandwidth?

Restart your internal devices (Switch, HUB, Router, Server etc.).
If the problem remains, then connect a single PC with Mirpur Online network & test the bandwidth usage.
Still Problem? Please contact Support Team.

Why I am getting Slow Speed?

Check others utilization status connected to your network. If other users are using maximum bandwidth, then you are getting slow speed. In this case, you will get proper bandwidth when other users reach to normal utilization.
Restart once your internal devices (Switch, HUB, Router, Server etc.).
Still Problem? Please contact Mirpur Online Support Team.

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Do you provide 24/7 support service?

Over phone support 24/7 only.

How can we show the status of issued complain tickets? (showing only Complain Ticket ID)

How to Contact Us?

Please forward any comments, complaints about the Services or questions you may have to